Activa 4G (BS4)

From ₹399 Day
- Rs 399 / 12hrs- 130km
- Rs 499 / Day- 100km.
Late hour - 50 per hour (Only 2 Hour ) | Extra km - 2 per km
Aadhar card
Driving License
Security Deposit
Required* ₹1,000.00 - One Time (Refundable)
Job ID Card, Business Card, Rent Agreement, Hotel Booking
Unique Bike Rental
Rental Bike In Indore
Terms & Conditions
Please read this before booking
Note* – If your documents do not match the booking details during vehicle pickup, we will cancel your booking immediately
1. The hirer should have his own valid driving license
2. Have to carry original Aadhar card
3. Security Deposit of INR 1000 (Security Deposit is refundable once we receive the bike in proper condition and you can pay it online also like Google pay, phone pay, & paytm,
4. Customers will incur charges for the actual cost of tyre replacement in the event of any tyre damages or punctures.
Note* – Rent will not be refunded if bike is deposited before time. Only security deposit will be returned.
5. One Helmet will be given with the bike. Another will be available on request that will be chargeable accordingly.
6. Bike should be return to the dealer as you have been taken any damage will be charged.
7. Customer cannot allow more than 2 persons per bike. If find 3 person on vehicle customer pay rs.1000 as fine.
Note* – We will not be able to provide a refund In case of extra fuel leftover at the time of returning the vehicle.
8. Fuel costs would be borne by hirer. Firm has no responsibility for fuel consumption and mileage, hirer need to till the tank at his risk and required., Extra kilometer charges Also applicable Min 2Rs/ per km to Max 5Rs/per km Different vehicles.
9. Vehicle should not be used in any commercial use Rapido, Ola and Uber etc. if found using commercially booking will be cancelled and customer has to pay 1000 as fine.
10. In the firm receives any e-challan (crossing the red signal, etc.) after vehicle being the hirer will have to pay the penalty, in case of failure Hire to pay the penalty that firm could process cancel hirer driving license.
11. The Hirer will be responsible for any Kind of damage due to theft, accident or any Kind of misuse of the vehicle.
Note* – Please Read all Term & Conditions